Tour Map

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

October 4

Last night I stayed at the home of Tom and Julie in Reamstown/Stevens, PA.  What a lovely couple.  They have been participating in the Warm Showers program for 3-4 years now and they aren't even cyclists themselves.  They explained that they participate for 2 main reasons: first to meet interesting people from all over the world.  Indeed, examining their guest book shows that people from all over the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Netherlands have been to their house through the Warm Showers program.  Second, they wanted to show their two daughters that there are a lot of truly good, trustworthy, honest people out there and not just crazy, violent people that we all hear about on the news every night.  Interesting people and a really nice place to stop for the night.

Today was one of my best days riding because the sun was out and I was riding through beautiful Lancaster County farmland.

Many of the farms were either Amish or Mennonite.  Very hard working and industrious people.
Here's some tobacco drying in an Amish barn:

More Amish pictures:

Along Brubaker Valley road between the towns of Clay and Elm I came across this old Brubaker family cemetery.  The headstones all date from the 1700's and 1800's.
Here's something you don't see every day.  A chicken sitting on top of a goat!!
Lancaster, York, and Adams Counties, I think, have some of the best farmland and quiet country roads for cycling that I have seen anywhere.  A wonderful day to ride.
Crossing the Susquehanna River:

I was scheduled to stop in Wrightsville for the night but I was making good time on the roads and I was longing for home so I put in 66 miles and made it home.

I'm happy to be back home.  I'll rest up for a few days before hitting the road again - so there probably won't be any blogging for the next few days.

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