Tour Map

Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 22

On the road at 7am.  A little chilly but it's supposed to get up to 80 degrees today.
Me and my shadow in the morning light:
 Entered Connecticut:
Stopped at the Woodstock (Connecticut) Country Store and had a blueberry muffin and a container of milk.  13 miles done, 51 to go for today.
Rode for several miles on different trails.  Most were crushed stone, some paved, but all of them were in pretty good shape.  Most of these are part of the East Coast Greenway, a project to link the entire east coast with bike friendly trails.

Staying tonight in Hartford, Connecticut after 64.7 miles and a little over 3000 feet of elevation.
Random stuff:
- saw a group of 5 white feathered turkeys.
- got hit with an acorn falling out of an Oak tree.  I just imagined a squirrel up there who saw me coming and            then nailed me.  I imagined him laughing with delight!
- rode up a monster hill, 3.5 miles long, that peaked at a 14% grade.  At times I was going so slow that my              Garmin automatically paused because it didn't sense any motion!!


  1. That's alot of miles and killer elevation! Your leg muscles are going to be massive when you get home :)

    1. Haven't noticed any change yet but it feels good to be getting some steady exercise.
