Tour Map

Sunday, November 6, 2016

November 5

The alarm was set for 6:15am but I got up at 5:00 - the result of going to bed so early last night and the excitement of the last day of riding.  My stomach felt much better, the chills were gone; just the headache and stuffy nose remained.  So I showered, packed up, took some Excedrine migraine, ate an apple, and hit the road at 6:10am in complete darkness.  I turned on my blinking front and rear lights and within a few minutes I was crossing the bridges to Long Key and Grassy Key.  There were very few cars on the road at this hour.  On two of the bridges I stopped the bike about halfway through and turned off the lights.  There are no lights at all on these bridges between the Keys.  In the darkness all I could see was the stars up above and nothing else, not a light anywhere on the horizon - and just the sound of the waves gently lapping against the bridge supports a few feet below me.  It was calming and soothing but also a bit spooky.  I was happy when the sun started to rise about an hour later.
No spectacular sunrise to greet meet today but I was happy and excited to see it none the less.

 Riding along in the darkness across the bridges (there are a total of 42 bridges to cross to get to Key West) I kept seeing what I thought were small pieces of paper swept up by the wind and blown over the sides of the bridge.  However, as the sun began to rise I found out this "blowing paper" was actually groups of small white birds that were resting on the bike path until I came along to disturb their slumber.  They didn't make a sound and effortlessly flew over the side of the bridge as I approached.  They were about the size of a barn swallow.
This shot is a little dark but you can see the water just below the bridge.

I stopped for breakfast in Marathon Key after 32 miles and right before the famous 7 Mile Bridge to Bahia Honda Key.

 The bridge to the right is not being used any longer.
 Upon occasion I have traveled on roads that were posted "Road Closed".  Good thing I didn't do that this time!!

Just some pretty shots:

OK - this is a shot to test your imagination.  Stopping on the 7 Mile Bridge I looked over the side to see some type of a ray swimming below.  Unfortunately by the time I snapped the picture it had passed below the bridge - So you'll just have to imagine a beautiful ray in the picture below!!
I finally crossed the last bridge onto Key West.  Here are some interesting house boats parked amongst the yachts.  One on the far right even has a shed out back!

And then I made my way to the Southern Most Point in the continental United States and had my picture taken by a nice couple from Tennessee.

Right after the picture I rode to the bike shop that is going to disassemble my bike and mail it home.  After I dropped it off and started walking away I have to admit that I got a little choked up.  I'm not sure if it was relief because the journey was over, or sadness because the journey was over, or what it was but I'm at a loss to adequately describe it.  I'm quite sure that if my wife was here to greet me I probably would have cracked and sobbed like a baby!

Here's my trusty traveling companion as I left it all alone at the bike shop:

Anyway, the Hostel I was staying at was only a few blocks away so I started to walk.  After about 5 minutes of walking a fairly old man rode past me on a beach cruiser bicycle wearing nothing but a black thong and a set of feathered wings strapped to his back!!  Welcome to Key West!!

I will be flying home on Monday, the 7th, and will wrap up this blog with some final comments once I get home.  Thank you all for following along.  It was a really great ride.


  1. You made it! Congratulations on an awesome accomplishment! It's been fun following you along the way. Now get some rest!

  2. Thanks Dan. I'm home now and the hot tub is being filled as I type this. It's cold up here!! But it's nice to be back home.
